Why Should You Trust Euro Car & Van Service Centre to Service Your Porsche?
Our expert mechanics will give you the best services possible for your Porsche, including using the latest in diagnostic scanners and Porsche scheduled maintenance requirements. We also have and use all necessary Porsche specific tools.
- We have all the Porsche diagnostic equipment that the main dealer has.
- A full complement of the latest, Porsche specific, factory tools.
- Porsche servicing as per the manufacturer's stated requirements, without any corners cut.
- All our technician are experienced in the servicing, care and repair of Gold Coast Porsche.
- We are a fraction of the cost of main dealership servicing.
- We can usually provide you with a courtesy car.
- Euro Car & Van Service Centre is a name you can trust your pride and joy to.
We can usually provide you with a courtesy car.
Euro Car & Van Service Centre is a name you can trust your pride and joy to.
Worried about how much this will cost you? Then don’t be, as we will give you a competitive quote on the servicing your Porsche needs, and at a better price than your main dealership.
With Euro Car & Van Service Centre’s Porsche services, you will only get the best, most highly trained professionals working on your vehicle. This is because we keep our specialists up to date with training, and we never allocate our work to unskilled apprentices.
So what are you waiting for? Take your Porsche down to Euro Car & Van Service Centre today.
What others have to say
“The best motor mechanic in Queensland. Very friendly and professional service. Much lower prices than other mechanics to service European cars but at the same time much higher quality of service. Gavin and Tania always make me and members of my family feel more than just a customer and we trust them to provide the best possible service for the lowest possible price. We will recommend they services to anybody we know. Thank you guys.“